business policies

Tuition and Course Fee Refund Policy

Tuition and Course Fee Refund Policy

For courses involving academic credit, the College will refund tuition, technology/facilities fees and course fees paid, except where superseded by law, to students who properly withdraw from class(es) within the Refund Period set forth below.

For courses not involving academic credit (non-credit courses), the College’s refund policy is set forth here.


If a class is canceled as a result of College administrative action, each student in such class will receive a 100% refund of the tuition, technology/facilities fees and course fees the student paid for that class. If the administratively canceled class is the only class taken by the student, the College will also refund the student’s registration and student service fees.


For classes meeting two weeks or longer:

A student who properly withdraws from a class before midnight Eastern Time of the 7th calendar day from the start of the class shall be entitled to a 100% refund of the tuition, technology/facilities fees and course fees the student paid for the class(es). Refunds do not include registration or student service fees.

The first scheduled day of class is the first calendar day for purposes of this policy. A student who withdraws from a class after the close of the 7th calendar day shall receive no refund.

If the refund deadline falls on a non-business day of the College (Saturday, Sunday or College closure days) the refund deadline will be on the official business day as the chart below illustrates.

Class Refund Deadlines
First Scheduled Day of Class Last Day for Refund
Monday Second Tuesday after class start
Tuesday Second Wednesday after class start 
Wednesday Second Thursday after class start
Thursday Second Friday after class start
Friday Second Monday after class start
Saturday Second Tuesday after class start
Sunday Second Tuesday after class start

For classes meeting less than two weeks:

A 100% refund will be provided only if the student withdraws by midnight Eastern Time of the first day of class. Refunds for such classes do not include registration or student service fees.


In order to properly withdraw from a class, the student must complete and submit the class withdrawal on Self Service Student Planning or in person at the Office of Records & Registration. Non-payment or non-attendance does not constitute a proper withdrawal and students who stop paying and/or attending classes without properly withdrawing will be held financially and academically responsible for the class(es).


Students who must withdraw from a class(es) after the Refund Period as a result of military deployment, may, upon presentation of documentation satisfactory to the College, receive a tuition voucher in the amount of all the tuition, technology/facilities fees, course fees, student service and registration fees the student paid for the classes(es) they must withdraw from due to the deployment..

Students who must withdraw from a class(es) after the Refund Period due to hospitalization, injury, prolonged illness, death of an immediate family member, mandatory shift change at student's place of full-time employment (does not include mandatory overtime), and employer-mandated relocation (does not include new employer), may request a tuition voucher equivalent to the amount of all the tuition and fees paid in connection with the class(es), upon presentation of documentation satisfactory to the College. However, if the student is receiving financial assistance (sponsored billing, financial aid, veteran/military benefits), a tuition voucher may not be issued due to program requirements.

Requests for a tuition voucher due to special circumstances must be to the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar no later than the last day of the semester of the class(es) involved. The Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar has discretion whether to grant the request and may require additional satisfactory documentation.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees
August 15, 1994
Revised 12/16/2020 – Effective Fall 2021