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Child Care Resources

Child Care Resources

Raising a family while attending college is challenging, and there may even be times you consider dropping out. But you don’t have to put your dreams on hold! Support services are available to help you provide for your family while you go to school, keeping all of you on a path toward a better life.

Please check out the links below to learn about affordable child care options, organizations that provide free diapers, formula and other goods and services, local food pantries, parenting and nutritional education, and much more.

  • Free and Income-Based Child Care and Child Care Directory: This directory lists organizations offering child care, including those that offer free and income-based child care to eligible families: Head Start and Early Head Start, Child Development and Care (CDC) through the Department of Human Services, U.S. Army Child, Youth and School Services for military personal and civilians, and more.
  • Child Care Discount at Kindercare® The College has contracted with Kindercare, a recognized leader in quality child care, to provide a 10 percent discount to Macomb students for child care services.
  • Free Goods and Services: This directory lists local organizations in Macomb County that provide free diapers, formula, maternity and children’s clothes, food, pregnancy tests and services, health and nutritional education, and more.
  • Community Support: This directory lists community organizations committed to helping families overcome a wide range of challenges. Here you will find information on support groups, parenting strategies and education, family relationship building, events listings, online forums and more.

If you have questions about any of these support services or would like to schedule an appointment to apply for child care assistance through the Department of Human Services, please contact Macomb’s Student Options for Success (SOS) office right away:  SOS@macomb.edu or 586.447.8609.