business policies

Use of College Credit Cards by College Officers and Employees

Use of College Credit Cards by College Officers and Employees

The Executive Vice President for Business is responsible for the issuance of College credit cards to officers and employees of the College and shall account, monitor, retrieve and generally oversee compliance with this Policy. The Executive Vice President for Business shall establish a system of internal accounting controls to monitor the use of College credit cards and for approval of credit card invoices before payment. The balance including interest due on the credit card shall be paid within and not more than sixty (60) days of the initial statement date.

An officer or employee of the College shall use a College credit card for the sole purpose of purchasing goods or services for the official business of the College. An officer or employee using a College credit card shall submit such documentation as required by the Executive Vice President for Business detailing the goods or services purchased, the cost of the goods or services, the date of purchase, and the official business for which the goods or services were purchased.

An officer or employee issued a College credit card is responsible for its protection and custody and shall immediately notify the Executive Vice President for Business if the credit card is lost, stolen or the subject of suspected credit card fraud. An officer or employee issued a College credit card shall return the credit card upon the termination of their employment or service with the College.

An officer or employee who makes unauthorized use of a College credit card will be subject to discipline consistent with College policy and any applicable collective bargaining agreement.

Approved by the Board of Trustees
June 18, 2002
(Reviewed by Office of General Counsel, December 2011)
Updated pursuant to Board authorization, January 2023