Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for Prior Learning

For Where You Are in Life

All Learning is Valuable

You learn on the job or preparing for a certification or licensure exam. You learn as a volunteer, hobbyist or caregiver. You learn in the military, advanced placement courses, continuing education or an apprenticeship.

And if what you've learned has provided you with knowledge and understanding of a course's subject matter, you may be eligible to receive college credit for it.

It's called Credit for Prior Learning, and it can save you time and money while giving you the satisfaction of knowing that we value your past achievements!

You've learned by doing and we're here to help you get credit for it. Please fill out this  to get started.

How to Receive Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for Prior Learning is awarded when a student successfully demonstrates that they've already achieved the required learning outcomes of a course.

We offer many pathways for converting your past learning experiences into credit toward a certificate or degree from Macomb:

Advanced Placement

You could receive credit for Advanced Placement (AP) courses taken in high school or for an International Baccalaureate (IB), an internationally recognized equivalent to AP. 


You could receive credit for apprenticeships you’ve completed with a trade organization in manufacturing or maintenance technology or building construction.

Certifications and Licenses

You could receive credit for industry-issued certifications and licenses.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

You could receive credit for a passing score on one or more of 33 CLEP subject exams.

Credit by Examination

You could receive credit for a passing score on one or more of eight Macomb course exams.

Non-credit and Continuing Education

You could receive credit for one or more of 13 non-credit Workforce and Continuing Education courses you've successfully completed at Macomb. 


You could receive credit for life, military and/or work experiences documented in a portfolio.

Transfer Credit

You could receive credit for courses successfully completed at another regionally accredited U.S. college or university, as well as colleges and universities in other countries.   

Benefits of Receiving Credit for Prior Learning

  • Accelerates Completion
  • Reduces Duplication of Learning
  • Lowers Educational Costs
  • Reduces Student Debt
  • Increases Likelihood of Graduation

Questions? Email cpl@macomb.edu or call 586.445.7110