
Class Offerings and Catalogs

Catalogs, Courses and Classes

Catalog as your starting point

Our academic and Workforce and Continuing Education (WCE) catalogs contain useful information about all of our programs, including the title, content and code for each of the courses offered.

“Class” refers to the “section” - the dates and times a course is offered.

The type of program or course(s) you’re interested in determines which catalog you should use.

Catalog Use for: Classes/Sections
Academic certificate, associate degree or transfer credits.

Refer to Search for Sections (below) for class dates and times.

Noncredit certificate or course(s) for personal enrichment or professional development. For a list of WCE class dates and times, refer to:
University Center Catalog Bachelor's or master's degree: which contains descriptions of each program offered on Macomb’s Center Campus by our partner institutions.

You'll receive a schedule of classes each semester after you're admitted.

Finding the sections you want

Class sections for the academic courses offered each semester can be found using the online  tool.