Use of Student Learning Evidence

Use of Student Learning Evidence

Macomb uses evidence of student learning to identify areas where changes in policies and practices may lead to improvement. Data on student success is used to update the college’s Academic Mobility Policy. This policy creates a process used to assure that students are registered in appropriate classes. All students taking courses in English composition, Mathematics, Reading and English for Academic Purposes (EAPP) are required to meet the established course prerequisites. In order to assure that students are properly placed for success in these basic courses, the college has a "mobility period" in place. Mobility occurs most often in, but is not limited to, English and Math.

These actions align to Macomb’s commitment to promoting success and equitable outcomes for all students through innovative academic experiences, relevant programs, and strategic partnerships. In 2019 ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï articulated these goals in the Strategic Plan 2025.

ºÚÁϳԹϒs participation in the initiative yielded a rich source of data on student learning. An analysis of the data supported the implementation of the following initiatives to improve student success.

  • Everyday Math course designed specifically for students whose degree does not require advanced mathematics training. This course focuses on everyday applications of mathematic principles.
  • More frequent developmental math course meetings. Many developmental math courses now meet three times per week rather than once or twice.
  • Redesign of the College Success Skills Course (CSSK 1200).
  • A faculty-focused Excellence in Teaching and Learning Day of professional development that is offered every semester. Sessions are focused on improving student success through engagement strategies and activities.

Curriculum Planning

Curriculum design and updates are faculty led and supported through the Office of Academic Development in the Center for Teaching and Learning. Numerous curriculum updates occur as approximately 250 curriculum actions are approved through the Curriculum Committee each year. Macomb has approximately 70 programs (with additional certificate, transfer and areas of study) and approximately 1,000 active courses. This is a fluctuating number as courses and programs are added, deleted and/or updated regularly to meet the needs of current students and industry standards. 

Professional Development

The 2019 Common Degree Outcomes assessment project focused on communication skills. Using the assessment results, the Center for Teaching and Learning implemented new opportunities and resources to support faculty initiatives to incorporate communication-based strategies into their instruction. A “Using Assessment Results” webpage was created on the ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï Portal containing resources highlighting components of communication that faculty can implement. Professional development opportunities included workshops highlighting strategies for helping students become successful researchers, thinkers and writers in the disciplines. Furthermore, the Center for Teaching and Learning offered a book discussion on John C. Bean’s text Engaging Ideas – The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical-Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom (2011). Faculty discussion focused on designing interest-provoking writing and critical thinking activities and ways to incorporate these activities in their courses.