Evidence of Student Learning

Evidence of Student Learning

Evidence of student learning at Macomb can be seen at the institutional, program and course level. Results of assessment and plans for improvement of student learning are reported on Assessment Action Plans that are housed in the Assessment Resource Center.

Career-area programs at Macomb, such as Nursing and Occupational Therapy, are regularly assessed in compliance with their professional accrediting bodies’ requirements. Departments track the success rate of students taking certification and registry exams.

All programs at Macomb may take advantage of services offered by the Office of Institutional Research (IR). IR has designed and implemented surveys of graduates and current students in specific programs in order to provide feedback on program outcomes.

Programs at Macomb use curriculum maps to create visual representations of course and program outcomes alignment. The maps allow faculty to see where program outcomes are introduced, reinforced and mastered within the program courses. Program Assessment Action Plans present the method and results of program assessment and, based on assessment results, propose a course of action for program improvement.
