institutional policies

On Campus Use of Alcoholic Beverages

On Campus Use of Alcoholic Beverages

I. Students, employees, and visitors of ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï are expected to observe all federal, state, and local laws and College regulations governing the use and possession of alcoholic beverages.  Subject to Section II, all persons are prohibited from furnishing, using or possessing alcoholic beverages on College property, or to be under the influence of alcohol while on College property.  Offenders may be subject to criminal charges and/or disciplinary action by the College.

II. The prohibition as to the furnishing, use or possession of alcoholic beverages shall not apply under the following conditions:

  1. The College may serve alcoholic beverages on licensed premises in connection with an event or performance in the Lorenzo Cultural Center and Macomb Center for the Performing Arts complex.
  2. Applications by external organizations or internal College departments or organizations for permission to serve alcoholic beverages on either licensed or unlicensed College property shall be submitted to the Alcoholic Beverage Committee.  The ABC shall review the application and make a recommendation to the Vice President for College Advancement and Community Relations or designee. The Vice President for College Advancement and Community Relations or designee shall have the authority to approve, modify, or deny the application.
  3. If approved by the Vice President for College Advancement and Community Relations, or designee, alcoholic beverages may be served on unlicensed College property for external organizations or internal college departments or organizations under circumstances that meet the requirements for a Special License issued by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, or under circumstances where there is no consideration and a Michigan Liquor Control Commission Special License is not required.
  4. All costs incurred in securing a Special License and utilization of College facilities shall be borne by the applicant.
  5. The terms and conditions of food service contracts entered into by the College with specific vendors shall be observed.
  6. External organizations shall provide liability insurance satisfactory to the College.

Approved by the Board of Trustees
July 15, 1975
Updated pursuant to Board authorization (6/17/19)