institutional policies

College Grants Policy

College Grants Policy

The Board of Trustees recognizes that grants from private organizations, foundations, and federal, state and local government agencies may provide important support for the mission of the College. Therefore, College administrators may apply for or otherwise seek grants from private or public sources to help support:

  • transfer education
  • career preparation
  • learning outreach
  • advanced studies
  • student and community enrichment
  • economic and workforce development
  • student success services
  • other programs, projects or initiatives consistent with the mission of the College

The Executive Vice President for Business shall develop and promulgate an Administrative Policy that regulates the administration and management of grants from application through completion. In keeping with the College’s commitment to promote a culture of evidence in all of its activities, this Administrative Policy shall stipulate that:

  • a grant is consistent with the mission of the College and aligned with college goals and strategic priorities
  • College participation in the activity funded by the grant is not prohibited by federal, state or local law
  • Grant documents, including completed applications and grantor compliance requirements are reviewed and approved by the Office of General Counsel before a grant application is submitted to a grantor
  • the grant application is coordinated with other necessary College departments and requests to the same grantor
  • each individual grant must exceed $25,000, however, the Administrative Policy may establish exceptions to the minimum grant amount
  • the fiscal impact of the grant is assessed
  • on a periodic basis and upon completion of the funded grant, the Board of Trustees is provided with a written outcome-based analysis of the project, including financial costs, both direct and indirect, gain or loss thereon

The Grant Development Office shall review all grant applications for compliance with this Board Policy and Administrative Policy and approve or deny the application. If the grant application is approved by the Grant Development Office and General Counsel the grant application may be submitted to the proposed grantor.

This policy does not apply to student financial aid grants administered by the financial aid office.

Approved by the Board of Trustees
December 15, 2009
Revised March 20, 2019
Updated pursuant to Board authorization, January 2023