college policies

Grade Complaint Procedure

Grade Complaint Procedure

If a student believes a faculty member has issued a final grade in violation of the faculty member’s published grading standards or practices, the student must do the following:

  • Step one - Student meets with the faculty member.
  • Step two - Student meets with the appropriate Associate Dean or Dean of the teacher's department if the problem is not resolved in step one.
  • Step three - If the student has not been able to resolve the issue in one of the above steps, the student may appeal the grade by submitting the Academic Standards Committee Student Petition Form to the Associate Dean or Dean.

The form must specify how the published grading standards or practices have been violated and be signed and dated. The student must initiate the grade review process and file the petition (and attach all necessary paperwork) with the Associate Dean on or before the following deadlines:

  • March 1 for the previous Fall Semester
  • July 1 for the previous Winter Semester
  • October 1 for the previous Spring/Summer Semesters

Again, the appeal form can only be sent to the College Standards Committee after completing steps one and two. Questions regarding the appeal process may be directed to the Associate Dean or Director of the teacher’s department. (5/13)