college policies

Class Cancellations and College Closing Procedures

Class Cancellations and College Closing Procedures

When it is deemed necessary to cancel classes and/or events, or close the College for any reason, it is the goal of the College to make the decision as quickly as possible so that there is a minimum amount of confusion. For snow emergencies, we will attempt to make the decision no later than 6:00 a.m. In certain situations, it may be possible to make the decision to close the evening classes at the same time day classes are canceled. However, if it is necessary to cancel the evening activities at the College on a separate basis, every effort will be made to announce the decision by 3:00 p.m. During finals week or other times of necessity, if it is possible to hold afternoon classes, the College will open at noon.

Events will be handled on an individual basis depending upon the needs of their activities and the existing conditions. It is the responsibility of the area Vice President, in conjunction with the Executive Vice President for Business, to make that decision.

Should a situation arise that would require closing an individual building or buildings, but not an entire campus, it will be the responsibility of the area Vice President(s) to determine whether the activities in that building shall be canceled or reassigned. This decision will be made in conjunction with the Executive Vice President for Business depending on the nature of the emergency.

When power outages occur while staff are working and faculty are teaching classes, every effort should be made to remain on campus / on site for one hour to allow time for power to be restored. If power has not been restored within an hour, the Administrator of the area should contact their unit Vice President who will consult with the Executive Vice President for Business to determine next steps and further notifications.


In addition to the website, the appropriate information will be supplied to news media outlets and shared on social media when deemed appropriate. All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to sign up for the college’s emergency messaging alert system to receive timely and critical information.

Approved by President’s Council
Revised December 2022