Counseling and Academic Advising Services

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation will help you transition to Macomb campus life and prepare you for a quality learning experience.

What can you expect from New Student Orientation?

  • Learn what to expect in your first semester.
  • Develop an understanding of the process to follow in order to determine your educational goals.
  • Become aware of the support systems and college resources available to be successful.
  • Become familiar with your rights and responsibilities as a student at Macomb, including expectations and code of conduct.
  • Learn more about college terminology, important deadlines, academic programs and schedules.
  • Become familiar with Macomb's online interface and its various functions.
  • Learn more about opportunities to get involved outside of the classroom with your fellow students.

After receiving a Macomb ID number issued with the admission letter, all students must complete .

After orientation, you might be required to take a Placement Test. If so, you can prepare by using these  and this .

Connect On-Campus

Meet with an Academic Advisor for a “Starting at Macomb” session. Students will be provided a customized checklist for “next steps,” particularly those with prior college experience (e.g. transfer or guest students).

Meet with a Counselor for a Course Planning Session. All new students to college are required to develop an academic plan with a college counselor during a course planning session.

For more information, please email askanadvisor@macomb.edu.

What can you expect from a Course Planning Session?

  • Discuss your goals at Macomb.
  • Recommend courses for your first semester based on your goals, scheduling needs and placement test scores.
  • Provide direction for future course planning, career planning, and/or referral for other college resources.