giving opportunities

Giving Opportunities


How donations make a difference

We owe so much to our donors. Without them, Macomb would not be able to offer the programming and services necessary to keep our students in class, alumni proud and residents satisfied with the amenities available in their community.   

Donors may designate how they would like their gifts distributed on the giving form or giving website that accompanies their donation. When no designation is made, a gift is designated to the Macomb Student Immediate Relief Fund.


We can offer Macomb students more than 200 private scholarships because of donors who believe in the transforming power of education.

Students apply for the scholarships for which they are eligible and we work with the college’s Financial Aid Office to award them based on the criteria established by the donor(s).

Specific programs and projects

Each year, Macomb's programs have needs that surpass their budgets. An athletic team may be competing with worn out equipment, a classroom building may be behind in needed technological upgrades or the progress of some students may be impeded by the lack of an academic resource.

Donors who recognize the financial limitations placed on public colleges, allow us to address these challenges as they arise.

Emergency financial needs of students

Many of today's students are facing economic challenges that threaten their ability to finish college. In response, Macomb has stepped up its efforts to assist students who are not only struggling to pay for tuition, but also to feed their families, pay their utilities, fix their cars or address other immediate financial crises.

Because of donors, who may have struggled financially as college students themselves, we have been able to establish funds to help in case of these type of emergencies. Both the Macomb Student Immediate Relief Fund and Food for Thought student food pantry help students overcome life's speedbumps without abandoning college and their dreams, which many facing financial emergencies often do and usually never to return.

Arts and cultural programs

The college is committed to providing the community with access to cultural programming that is uplifting, enriching and educational. Donors who recognize the vital contributions Macomb makes to the community's quality of life, including its economic vitality, help keep the doors of our two cultural venues open to all.

  • : The MCPA continues to provide outstanding performances and programs for families to enjoy. Ticket revenue only covers 50% of the costs, but it's imperative that we keep prices affordable for families.
  • : The Cultural Center explores the influences and experiences that shape our community's heritage. Hosting everyone from elementary school students to residents of senior centers, it's dedicated to honoring the diverse fabric of our region through free educational programs.

Additional Information

Location and Contact Information

Mailing Address
MCC Foundation
14500 E. 12 Mile Rd., CS-221
Warren, MI  48088-3896

Phone: 586.445.7302
Email: foundation@macomb.edu

Office Location
16000 Hall Road, Suite 2C
Clinton Township, MI 48038

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