Awarding of Associate Degrees and Academic Certificates
Associate of Arts Degree (Name of Specialty)
The Associate of Arts Degree is intended to provide a basic foundation for a Bachelor of Arts Degree program. A minimum of 60 credit hours with at least a 2.0 grade point average is required. A minimum of 15 credit hours must be earned at Macomb. To be eligible for a degree the student must complete the courses required within the specialty as well as the required General Education courses.
Associate of Science Degree (Name of Specialty)
The Associate of Science Degree is intended to provide a basic foundation for a Bachelor of Science Degree program. A minimum of 60 credit hours with at least a 2.0 grade point average is required. A minimum of 15 credit hours must be earned at Macomb. To be eligible for a degree the student must complete the courses required within the specialty as well as the required General Education courses.
Associate of Applied Science Degree (Name of Specialty)
The Associate of Applied Science Degree is intended to provide the preparation necessary for potential employment in an occupational specialty. A minimum of 60 credit hours with at least a 2.0 grade point average is required. A minimum of 15 credit hours must be earned at Macomb. Fifteen credit hours from the General Education group requirements must be met and the student must complete the courses required within the specialty as well as the required General Education courses.
Associate of Business Administration Degree (Name of Specialty)
The Associate of Business Administration (ABA) degree is intended to provide a basic foundation for transfer to a Bachelor of Business Administration program, or entry-level positions in the business field. A minimum of 60 credit hours with at least a 2.0 grade point average is required. A minimum of 15 credit hours must be earned at Macomb. A minimum of 15 credit hours from the General Education group requirements must be met and the student must complete the courses required within the Business Program granting the ABA.
Associate of General Studies Degree
The Associate of General Studies Degree is intended for those who wish to follow an individualized educational plan. A minimum of 60 credit hours with at least a 2.0 grade point average is required. A minimum of 15 credit hours must be earned at Macomb. A minimum of 15 credit hours from the General Education group requirements must be met.
Second Associate Degree
A second Associate Degree may be awarded if, in addition to the general requirements for an Associate Degree, (1) all General Education group and program requirements for the second degree are met, and (2) the student has earned a minimum of 75 credit hours. A minimum of 15 credit hours must be earned at Macomb for each degree awarded.
Certificates in Career Programs
A certificate is awarded to those who complete the work specified in various career programs. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required.
Certificates in Skilled Trades, Applied Technology & Apprenticeship
There are a variety of certificates available to be earned in skilled trades, applied technology & apprenticeship programs. The student is required to complete the work specified in the approved program (6-47 credit hours), with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0. A minimum of 15 credit hours must be earned at Macomb (or entirety of credit hours if certificate is less than 15 credit hours).
Specialty Certificates
There are a variety of specialty training certificates that are offered by Macomb. To be eligible for a certificate a student must complete the courses required within the specialty.
Developmental Courses
Please note that courses numbered under the 1000 level do not count towards credits earned for Associate Degrees or Academic Certificates.
College-Wide Courses and Programs
All curricular offerings by ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï may be scheduled and made available at any approved location. Certain specialized programs and courses will be offered only at a specific campus. The location of all courses and/or programs will be published in the College catalog located on the College website at
Approved by the Board of Trustees
August 20, 2002
Revised October 18, 2023
Effective Fall 2023